Consulting Skills Intensive
Course Description
This course has been designed to assist professionals in developing a solid foundation in consulting and organizational change. This course is a supportive experience and opportunity for you to work directly in a consulting experience in a classroom environment. Through lecture, small group activities and practice with completing the seven phases of consulting. Organizational case studies will include for profit and not for profit organizations. Students will be taught how to identify issues, developed interventions specific to the organization and implementation planned strategies. Students will complete case study analysis, role-play and hands-on activities.
Course Prerequisites
Participant must have at least 10,000 hours of expertise in their given field of experience.
CEU Hours
16 hrs. of credit ( approval pending for LMHC, LMFT and LCSW in Florida)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this training you will have an understanding of the following learning outcomes:
1. Develop skills to learn how to present your consulting organization to other organizations.
2. Proposal development and presentation
3. Organizational issue diagnosis
4. Develop the ability to give organizational feedback
5. Develop consulting administrative skills to develop contracts, assessment documents, executive briefs etc.
6. Understand how to price your consulting services
7. Have a clear understanding of the seven stages of consulting, how to implement each stage and execute a project plan.